The DSST World Religions exam is the next on our list to complete, and since most of the information is new for Care Bear, I wanted to help her take effective notes. From my view, it appears we still need to work on realizing how challenging these tests actually are, and how much prep work is needed for them, so the goal is to break down the large amount of information into reasonable chunks, making it easier to study and compartmentalize the information.
In sha Allah I’ll be able to report back on how the exam went, but I’m conducting the grand experiment of, “If mom doesn’t remind you to do it, does it get done?” We shall see. It is extremely tough to keep my mouth shut, but this is a lesson she needs to learn for herself; if she doesn’t do it, it doesn’t get done, and the benefits are lost.
So, back to prepping for the test, in sha Allah. I created these notebooking pages based on what the Fact Sheet listed as topics and subtopics for the exam (at the this time, 7/2013) from the College Board’s website. I tried to leave a lot of empty space for free flowing thoughts instead of a fill-in-the-blank type page. Some areas may need more than one sheet printed out to accommodate all the information. In sha Allah it has the desired results. Each page has a different color scheme or style in my aim to make it fun to look at. I’d love feedback on how you think it looks, or areas that need improvement!
In sha Allah, after we see how the exam goes (if and when that happens), I also have a lesson plan created. I’ll wait to see if she does well before succumbing you to my best guess at what pages and questions to study in order to pass!
On to the notebooking pages!
i know colors are very helpful to me for studying. i love using highlighter and markers while i am reading, and also to make an artistic record of a lecture. the art/ color part really engages my mind the best.
Good to know! I liked having different color pens and highlighters in college to make note of different types of notes (concept, definition, computer command, etc.) and I think it helped… or I just liked how pretty my notes looked. hehe
Looks good. On the notes, you have two pages for Christianity doctrines and daily living. The second one is under Islam.
Ah, thanks! The title should be Islam on that second page so there are notes on those items for Islam also. Now, why didn’t my daughter notice that? 😉 I’ll fix that and upload it again.