Okay, I’m assuming here that you live near a mall with some cool attractions. We live quite close to the Mall of America, so I may be a little spoiled with the indoor amusement park, under water aquarium, and Lego Land. Still, most malls have some sort of attraction on cold winter days!

Look for the websites of malls near your area and you may find things such as Toddler Tuesdays, events with celebrities, or book signings at a book store! Almost all malls have at least a small toddler play area, and some have larger structures like what might find at a McDonald’s. Near my sister’s home they have a mall with an indoor ice skating rink!
To sprinkle some academics in your trip, you can make a scavenger hunt! This is a fun and easy trip to invite friends to come along and not have to try to coordinate all the step with everyone. Take a day off and relax!
Wow, we only just, just recently had a play center (almost identical to the one pictured) built in ours. I’m so glad they did because it’s a great way to let them just burn some energy on rainy or cold days – and for free too!