Ah, what a perfect day for this post. Big, wet snowflakes are falling outside right now, and with a high around 30F, it’s the perfect weather for skiing. Whether you prefer downhill skiing (like me) or cross-country, both are an incredible exercise, fun, and a way to get out of the house during the winter months.
With the technology we have today, you don’t necessarily have to live in a snowy climate to go skiing. While most places don’t have it as nice as you’ll find in the UAE with indoor skiing in the desert, in a mildly cold climate they can make snow to enjoy even during a dry patch of weather. Just do a Google search for your state + skiing and see what pops up! If you live in a warm climate, but have the funds to travel, find a ski group and visit Colorado!
In our area, there are a number of locations that offer discounted homeschool days, which is nice since it’s not usually a cheap endeavor once you rent equipment and get your lift ticket. Plus, it’s always more fun to go with a group, anyway!
It’s too easy to get stuck in the house during the winter, and where we live, the winter can be almost 6 months long! In this climate, we have to find things to do outside when it’s cold. I’m reminding myself of this first and foremost because it’s too easy to fall back into doing indoor activities during the winter, and not getting out of that slump once it is nice out. I think temperature control has made me lazy to exploring outdoors, even though I thoroughly enjoy being outside in the fresh air.
Have you gone skiing or brought your kids skiing? Unfortunately I’ve never brought Care Bear skiing as cost has always been prohibitive. I used to ski when I was an older kid, around 10-13 year old, and I loved it!
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