In our homeschool this month…
The last couple months I really feel like we’re getting into the swing of things, and what did it? Reading Charlotte Mason’s original work, specifically Volume 1 of her Home Education series. Her focus on habits was eye opening to me in that my spontaneous ways were not helpful to my children.
It’s fair, they want to know what their day is going to look like, so a rhythm or routine for a general day is helpful. Alhamdulilah, it’s been quite easy to get most chores done each day (not all, of course. We all have tough days.), and to get started on our lessons.
Our outdoor explorations last month…
We’d normally be in the deep freeze still in Minnesota, but we’ve been unseasonably warm. That means I was able to tap our Maple tree mid-month, and I’ve already gotten two and a half gallons of sap!
In our few outdoor trips there hasn’t been a lot to see as of yet. We found a cool fungus at one nature center, but otherwise the outdoor world still appears to be sleeping. Fortunately a local nature center has a really awesome outdoor play space and our kids built a fort!
What’s working/not working for us…
I’m really trying to make Building Foundations for Scientific Understanding work for us because I love how each lesson is directly related to the last. Can someone just script it for me and send that along? That would be awesome.
After months of not touching anything to do with phonics or reading, I asked Aamina if she wants to learn how to read, and she said yes. So, we are at it again. She doesn’t really struggle with it, but she just isn’t really interested in the work it takes to be able to read.
I keep coming back to the fact that kids weren’t required to read in Kindergarten when my oldest was in school, so I’m not in a hurry, but I know what a wonderful world awaits her when she’s able to pick up a book herself and dive in!
Coming up…
This month we have a pretty busy calendar! In sha Allah we’ll be heading to a class at a local farm run by the major park district in our metro area, some field trips to nature centers, seeing Velveteen Rabbit as a play, and of course, there the Islamic Homeschooling Convention on the 18th.
The garden is started as well, at least the first couple items, with an awesome seedling starter kit I found at Target. I’ve been baby stepping my way into a garden and having indoor plants, and the past couple years have been fairly successful, alhamdulilah. In sha Allah this year will bring new experiences and more success.
On my mind…
I really look up to moms who are avid readers. I swear it’s probably what makes regular moms (like me) stand apart from amazing moms. In sha Allah I’m finding more opportunities to read and keep my dusty brain tided up, and even considering canceling my Hulu account to force myself into better habits.
Also, as I’m starting to look toward 1st grade, I feel like I’m getting into “real” homeschooling with my littles. I’ve always felt that Kindergarten is just laying the foundation for future years, so I didn’t feel a ton of pressure to perform academically. Now, that pressure is setting in.
And on the other hand, there’s the unschooling part of me that wants to shed all that pressure entirely.
Frankly, I imagine there will be this mental tugging from different angles for our entire homeschooling career.
I am reading…
I spend most of my time reading for my online classes, include Fiqh of Seerah, The Messengers and Messages, plus reading Charlotte Mason’s 3rd volume in her Home Education series, School Education.
Today, actually, I should receive The Lost Art of Reading Nature’s Signs, which I hope to use as a read aloud with the kids as we venture out for more outdoor walks now that the deep part of winter is over.
Did you hear…
I shared a few “day in the life” type posts last month. I figured since the year was half over, it was a good time to talk actual curriculum (not just curriculum plans), and to share how our days look generally. I hope you find them as useful as I have when I’ve read them on other people’s blogs!
I should probably read Charlotte Mason’s Home Education series – especially Volume 1. I am spontaneous to a fault, but I would love to instill good habits in my children. Have you looked at Simply Charlotte Mason’s Laying Down the Rails for Children? I’ve been considering it, but maybe I should read Volume 1 first?
Hope you have a wonderful month. 🙂
I haven’t read that book specifically. I’ve always passed by it because I assumed it was specifically written for Christians and it would be a lot to adapt for us. Maybe not. I have read people say that reading the original works is more beneficial overall than reading summaries, but I imagine it’s nice to have someone compile together all the information about one subject into one place rather than digging through all 6 books.