The theme for this months’ NaBloPoMo is Connect. Over the last six and a half years I’ve been Muslim, I’ve continued to be supported by a strong Muslimah (Muslim women) community, mashaAllah. I imagine not all areas are so fortunate, but our area seems to be quite blessed with some great sisters.
The beauty of this connection, especially in the convert circles, is that it is like having a bunch of best friends. You don’t have to see each other often to feel right at home when you meet. Just last night, I met with a group of friends, some I know well and some I see once or twice a year. Still, it always feels like meeting with a group of old high school buddies.
What do we talk about? It can be anything from our families, Islam, world news, or even just talking about what’s on TV lately. It isn’t necessarily what we talk about that connects us, but shared experiences and knowing that we have people we can talk to in a time of need. For converts, many time that time of need is just being able to talk to someone who is going through the same thing.
Hubby and I are the only Muslims in either of our families. That means our only connection during Islamic holidays are the community around us. In sha Allah we can bring up a strong family that we can be with for the holidays in the future. Until then, I’ll be making sure I keep a good connection with the Muslim sisters in our area.
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