So, it’s the new year and many people make lofty goals including weight loss, being more patient, and living a greener life. While winter is not the time most people think of to get started on their compost, I think it is one of the best times to get started! Why? Well, what’s the main […]
Big Home or Green Home?
Do you have to live in a tiny house to live an eco friendly lifestyle? I suppose not, but it obviously helps a bit! One of my favorite blogs about living green is The Zero Waste Home. This family moved from a larger home to a smaller home in the effort to reduce their eco […]
Green Household Cleaners
Have you tried an eco-friendly household cleaner and been disappointed? I know I have. So many people have just taken a few steps over at the local supermarket and bought a “green” cleaning agent only to be disappointed when it doesn’t work even close to the kind they are used to. It is hard to […]
Taking Care of Your Cloth Diapers
Your bundle of joy (or too cute toddler) is absolutely adorable in their cloth diapers, but how do you keep those cloth diapers cute? A very wise thing I read once on Diaper Swappers was something along the lines of, “Stop treating your diapers like precious gold, and instead treat them for what they are: […]
How Many Cloth Diapers Should You Buy?
So how many cloth diapers do you need to buy? Obviously, you need enough to not have to wash them twice a day, but you don’t want to overspend on diapers you’ll barely ever use. A good rule of thumb is you should have enough diapers to get you through at least two days, if […]