Who doesn’t like food? We all need to eat, and we are really doing a disservice to our kids to not teach them how to feed themselves. Let’s face it, most of our kids will live alone, or be roommates without a spouse or parents to care for them. Plus, it gets you extra spouse […]
Field Trip Friday: Children’s Theatre Edition!
Admittedly, we are not big theatre buffs, or artsy people in general. Still, I think it is a valuable thing for kids to experience sometimes, especially if they are studying poetry, Shakespeare, or just need help thinking outside of the box. Hubby and I were talking about creativity in children and adults, and how it […]
Field Trip Friday: Rock Climbing Edition!
Rock climbing is great exercise, and is a lot of fun, too! You get to challenge yourself in both ability and height, which is a great way to bond with your kids! Our kids are so used to being the novice in comparison to their parents or other adults, rock climbing is a great way […]
Field Trip Friday: Sick at Home Edition!
Wow, just one person being sick in the house really takes everything off course! Little Miss has been battling a fever for a couple days, and just wants to cuddle all the time, which is not something I’m complaining about; though that doesn’t leave me with many hands to get anything done. So, if we […]
Field Trip Friday: Hajj Edition!
Unfortunately, most of us are not able to join the pilgrims in hajj this year, so how can we take part in our own way? We came up with some ideas yesterday about how to involve hajj into our homeschool. Today, I’ll give some ideas for fun ways to get out of the house and learn […]