Continuing on from Wednesday where we are talking about Ad-Duha’s complete Islamic studies curriculum packages – specifically Levels A and B – we are now moving on to three books. In recap: Ad-Duha Islamic curriculum Levels A and B come with a few components: Teacher manual Mini tafseer books Book of adiyaa’ (supplications) Islamic studies book (Level A and B […]
Ad-Duha Islamic Curriculum: Mini Tafseer Books and Teacher Manual {Product Review}
I mentioned in my 2012-2013 curriculum post that we have used Ad-Duha‘s full curriculum package for a few years now and alhamdulilah, we’ve been very pleased. Given there are very few reviews, I thought I’d add my take on Ad-Duha to contribute to those looking further into it, in sha Allah. This post will focus […]
Interview with Founder of Ad Duha Islamic Studies Curriculum
I’ve raved about Ad-Duha Institute’s Islamic studies curriculum whenever I get a chance, and we used their program for about four years in total (of the five years we’ve homeschooled. I’ve had to adjust things a bit as Care Bear has gotten older). I was thrilled to hear back from their founder, Cilia, when she […]
Surah Takwir and Concrete Will
Concrete will – this is a phrase that I think will stick with me forever now that I’ve heard it once. Care Bear has been listening to Nouman Ali Khan’s tafseer lectures for the past two weeks for her tafseer lessons. I instructed her to take detailed notes, and today I had her teach me […]
Reassessing Islamic Studies
Our Islamic Studies curriculum has done us fairly well for a few years, but we’ve since changed some things. I’ve talked about how to manage with puberty in full force, and one thing is to scale back on some academics, particularly memorization. Care Bear used to be a whiz when it came to memorization, but […]