I think we all enjoy some type of creative outlet, but might not find anything we enjoy for quite some time. In our exploration of hobbies for Care Bear, she’s taking a series of photography classes. If I didn’t have little ones to tend to, I’d love to join her in the fun! An added […]
What to Do on Rainy (or Snowy) Days
Maybe the rest of the world is experiencing spring, but here on April 16th, we still have snow! I realize I live in a cold climate, but this is getting ridiculous. I feel bad that Little Miss is stuck in the house all.the.time. because it is raining, snowing, super windy, or just blah. She doesn’t […]
Field Trip Friday: Skiing Edition!
Ah, what a perfect day for this post. Big, wet snowflakes are falling outside right now, and with a high around 30F, it’s the perfect weather for skiing. Whether you prefer downhill skiing (like me) or cross-country, both are an incredible exercise, fun, and a way to get out of the house during the winter […]
When is Compost Finished, and What to Do With It?
We’ve been talking a lot about compost and how to take care of it… but what’s the point? What’s the end goal? Dirt! Beautiful, crumbly, healthy dirt. Why buy compost from the garden store if you can turn your trash into compost for free? Compost gives essential nutrients to a home garden, and you’d be […]
Taking Days Off for Rest and Reflection
How often do you plan days off? Admittedly, I don’t plan days many days off but rather we choose days off as fun days and opportunities come up. Today is a day off for Care Bear, but for me? I’m taking this time to look over her previous work to see what needs attention, and […]