I may have a boat load of kids, just so I can keep doing preschool activities! Slow and Steady, Get Me Ready has time and time again proven to be such a valuable resource in bringing education to simple tasks. Today the activity was supposed to mimic Jack in the Box where the small child […]
Standardized Testing and Toddlers
Quiet, uninterrupted time + toddler = <does not compute> In our state, standardized testing is required even though you are not required to turn in the scores. There are a number of options for completing this from finding a location and proctor to administer the test, an administrator coming to your home, or becoming an […]
Field Trip Friday: Mall Edition!
Okay, I’m assuming here that you live near a mall with some cool attractions. We live quite close to the Mall of America, so I may be a little spoiled with the indoor amusement park, under water aquarium, and Lego Land. Still, most malls have some sort of attraction on cold winter days! Look for […]
Is TV a Valuable Teaching Tool?
TV and Movies are one of the most effective babysitters in modern history. Need to get dinner made? Pop in a movie. Can’t seem to get all the laundry folded with a toddler under foot? Turn on a TV show. The question remains whether turning on a movie or TV program is beneficial to your […]
Toddler Preschool in Progress
As I’ve mentioned, in the past few weeks I’ve been trying to make a conscience effort to have Little Miss more involved in activities during the day. She was asking to watch a “foofie” (movie) I swear every hour! We aim for limited TV time at home (trying to always keep it under 2 hours, […]