We have a big, fat, hairy credit-by-exam goal. If everything goes perfectly (and knowing it rarely does), Care Bear will graduate with a bachelor’s degree when she finishes high school at age 17. So, what happens if we actually meet this goal? She’s much younger than most employers expect when they are hiring a college graduate, and likely she’ll need a bit of a reality check before she heads into her first “real” job. What options are available for her, or any student where their education precludes their age?
Sure, she could get a ho-hum job and learn to clock in, clock out, say yes ma’am and no sir, but what is she gaining? I don’t want to waste her time just to wait out until she’s old enough to hold down a real job!
This is a sponsored post by Praxis. All opinions expressed are my own, and you can see my Disclosure Policy for further details.
Gap Year Option
I’d never heard of a gap year until last fall, but wow, does it make sense! A gap year can be anything really, but if the goal is to get her from being a child at home to a valuable asset in the working world, then it needs to be something more intentional. Praxis is the one program I’ve found that’s a perfect fit for this goal!
Praxis is for go-getter youth to work with professionals and have real on-the-job experience, not just a coffee go-getter in an internship.
What is Praxis?
Praxis is an intensive 10-month program for entrepreneurial young people who want real-world career experience and the best of online education all in one.
Participants work 30 hours a week for dynamic small businesses across the country and complete 10 hours a week of rigorous online material, workshops, projects and assignments. The program runs September through June, or February through November.
Alternative to college
We’ve thought about Care Bear getting a Master’s degree and where that would take her. Sure, some more doors would open, but it isn’t as significant as real world experience. Instead of heading off for a Master’s degree as soon as she completes her Bachelor’s, Praxis offers another option. Get some real experience along with targeted education via their online curriculum, and help her find her passion. Many jobs don’t require a Master’s degree at the entry level, and if she lands a great job, she can likely find tuition reimbursement plans, or pay her way through getting a Master’s part-time.
Heading into a first job with a degree and relevant experience sounds like a great leg-up in an very competitive workforce.
Low cost option
You know what makes my frugal little heart pitter patter? The cost. The 10 month program for the online curriculum is $12,000, and honestly, if that was the end of the story, it’d be worth it, but it’s not. The job each student lands pays about $12,000/yr. End cost? Free. Yep! If your student chooses to stay home while they complete the program, even better, though more options are available if they can be flexible with their location. Fortunate for us, we have family that live in various parts of the country, and Care Bear is well loved by all. Yay for options!
Ideally, this is the first education and life planning resource the student will pay for themselves, without incurring debt.
More about Praxis
In short, Praxis offers real business experience to smart, energetic, motivated youth 18 and up. Their curriculum includes 6 modules: philosophy; history; economics; business; technology and digital skills; and entrepreneurship and life skills. While many homeschoolers have a lot of life skill experience, it’s great they include it for solidifying what they learned at home, and building on good practices for the years to come!
Plus, I love this from their website:
The most important thing you can do is discover what makes you come alive and do it.
Isn’t that exactly what we aim for in homeschooling? It feels like such a natural progression from homeschool to “real life.”
On top of the experience and curriculum, they will work with advisors to practice public speaking, get training in writing, and build a portfolio. Not kidding, I wish I had this kind of experience when I was younger! We talked about a portfolio in college, but most employers aren’t going to read my 5 page essay about how TV made an impact on pop culture in the 60’s. The portfolio a Praxis graduate completes is filled with real work and real experience. Not hypothetical assignments and essays.
When is it, and how to sign up?
Each year two terms are offered from Feb-Nov and Sep-Jun, with the next one beginning September 2014. Deadline for the Semester term is July 1st, 2014, so sign up before the end of the school year sweeps you away!
Whether you’re ready right away or not, keep up to date with Praxis via Facebook for updates, relevant links, and just staying up to date with alternative education options.
Praxis can be found on many other social media sites as well, including Twitter, YouTube, and LinkedIn.
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