Cloth diapers are admittedly harder to care for when you have hard water. We haven’t gotten our water tested, but it seems to be about one step up from well water. We don’t have any plans t0 get a water softener, but with the trials we’ve experienced washing the cloth diapers, I’ve been mighty tempted […]
Lanolizing Wool Covers
I’ve found the love for wool covers… just like everyone says! They are soft and squishy, cute, and super easy to care for! Plus, I can make them for crazy cheap! In fact, three of my five diaper covers are made by yours truly! So, how to take care of them is the question most […]
Converting Velcro Cloth Diapers to Snaps
We all know velcro cloth diapers are easier to get on and off little ones, but sometimes it just doesn’t hold up very well in wash after wash. After over 2 years of use, Aamina’s Grobaby (now Grovia) covers are showing some serious signs of wear on the velcro tabs. I heard it is easy […]
Babyland Diapers {Product Review}
I just so happened to get some Babyland diapers for a super cheap price (I think $10 for 3 brand new, in the wrapper diapers) from a mama on Babyland diapers are not very well known, so she was having a hard time selling them at her original asking price. I figured even if […]
Taking Care of Your Cloth Diapers
Your bundle of joy (or too cute toddler) is absolutely adorable in their cloth diapers, but how do you keep those cloth diapers cute? A very wise thing I read once on Diaper Swappers was something along the lines of, “Stop treating your diapers like precious gold, and instead treat them for what they are: […]