Great news! Email subscribers now have access to a new printable! Over half the readers here at Middle Way Mom have kids in going through puberty, or in the teenage years. I wanted to provide something to help you, and having “The Talk” with your kids is never easy! I pray my new mini-eBook will […]
5 Tips for Surviving the Never-Ending Winter
This winter has been brutal across the US. In Minnesota, it’s been downright oppressive! The best part? We have a solid two or three months left of winter. Oy! We’ve got to get through this winter without going batty, but how? Here are some ideas to keep the mind and body fresh, allowing for school […]
5 Benefits of Preschool for Homeschoolers
High quality, affordable preschool resources abound on the Internet. Add in that it’s super fun to work with a curious preschooler, so why wouldn’t someone do preschool at home with their child? Why would a homeschooler outsource this fun and precious time? Are there benefits of preschool? To save our high school (or other higher level […]
Saying No to Your Teenager (Thoughtfully)
When you have a teenager, how do you balance between giving guidance and giving freedom? When do you pull the “Mom Card” and put your foot down? Sometimes, teenagers have to be told no. Decide together A teenager really does have a good amount of decision making power, and should be encouraged to use it! […]
Things to do with Little Ones During Older Kids’ Activities
My little ones haven’t gotten a lot of attention on the blog lately, but they aren’t forgotten about in real life! While Care Bear is studying for a CLEP or DSST exam, going to fencing practice, or at her Biology study group, they have to be cared for. Just like with anything else in homeschooling, […]