My grandmother passed away Saturday morning, inna lillahi wa inna ilayhi rajioon (To God we belong, and to Him we return). Everyone knew it was coming since she was diagnosed with stage 4 cancer a few months ago, and during that time I imagine many of us have been reflecting on her life, and our own. […]
Passing the Torch – Reflections of a Homeschool Mom
Reflections from a homeschool Mom as she passes the torch to the next step – college
10 Pieces of Advice You Should Give to Your Beginner College Student
Do you have a child starting college soon? 10 pieces of advice they need before getting started!
Eid Gift Ideas for Teens
Eid is around the corner, in sha Allah! I don’t know about you, but I do almost all my Eid shopping online. With three littles, going to the store is such a chore, plus it ruins the surprise if the gift receiver is with you when you buy the gift! Buying for a teen can […]
40+ MORE Tasks to Prep Teenagers for Adulthood
Get your teen ready for the “real world” and teach them some skills to be successful on their own!