What are your Eid traditions? Are they set in stone, or pretty fluid? Where did they come from?
Each year we keep some traditions and forget others we thought would stick. Since Eid moves throughout the year, naturally we won’t keep all traditions all year long. During the warm months, we want to do great things outside, and this year was our first time camping with Aamina and Amatullah. Since Aamina was born, I was hesitant to take her out of her comfortable environment, but as she’s gotten older, she’s gotten more relaxed, alhamdulilah.
So, I believe camping will be a tradition that sticks, at least for the warmer months.
Being this is our first camping trip with little kids, I wanted to make sure it was relatively easy. I needed toilets nearby, a shower in case of a giant mess, and AC just in case the night temperature didn’t drop. Some may say this doesn’t count for camping, but the fact that we didn’t have running water inside our cabin, nor could we cook inside made it feel close enough for us this time around.
And well, the fact that we’re expecting #4 made the AC more of a priority for me. 🙂
I hate being hot, especially when I’m pregnant. I’m not prone to headaches, except when I’m pregnant, so yay for available AC!
So, with that, I’ll walk you through our fantastic first Eid camping trip. In sha Allah there are many more camping trips, growing in rustic nature, in the future.
Aamina was a bit obsessed with the bunk bed. The first night we didn’t get much sleep because she kept wanting to move from the bottom to the top. Alhamdulilah, the second night she figured out the bottom bunk was just fine.
The backyard of our cabin. 🙂 Alhamdulilah, it looked gorgeous with all the green. Even though we weren’t doing any type of rustic camping (this time around at least), we got to enjoy nature.
The campfire is akin to a TV or computer at home. We all just congregate around it.
Mother daughter selfie! LOL
My big girls. They were so good together on our little trip. Since we removed all technology, it forced us all to spend more time with each other, alhamdulilah.
My little Amatullah looks like she is just ready to go home, she’s so tired! While I felt like a bit of a wussy for getting a cabin with an AC unit, she got a bit more sleep because of it. If the baby is happy, everyone can be happy!
MashaAllah! Your oldest daughter is a copy-paste version of you! 😀
Seems you had fun… mashaAllah… may Allah bless all of your days…
Yes, alhamdulilah, we had a great time. I look forward to doing it again. Thanks for stopping by!
Mashaa Allah that looked like a very fun camping trip. It’s a great idea to have a different Eid tradition for each season. The last time we went camping we rented a yurt, but the kids opted to camp in a tent outside. It was lots of fun, lots of nature, and lots of bonding none the less.
I had to look up what a yurt is, and that looks cool! I think the whole family would find that pretty fun. Are they usually one room? I felt like we were cheating a bit this last camping trip with a couple rooms in the cabin (sitting, dining, and sleeping rooms), but it was really nice with the little kids going to bed so early.