SubhanAllah, this year has gone by so fast! Kira still isn’t done, but summing up the month of May sure makes me realize how close we are, in sha Allah! May has been a whirlwind for us with the recent move, in laws visiting, and all everything else going on, but it also marked wrapping up a lot of things, alhamdulilah.
The littles
Aamina wrapped up her preschool at the masjid this month. It makes me sad she won’t be attending next year, but I have to take control of my schedule, and a 2 day/week commitment all year just doesn’t fit in. Each week she’s been covering both an English and Arabic letter of the week; learning colors, shapes, and numbers; stories of the prophets; and lots of fun crafts and sensory activities. I have a really high bar to offer something even half as nice as the preschool at the masjid! Of course, I’m typing this while Aamina is watching TV. Naughty, naughty.
Now that it’s been nice outside, I’ve been spending more time with the littles outside, talking about what is around us. We look for ants, talk about the differences in birds, and play with the little helicopters that fall off the trees (not sure how else to describe them). Amatullah has enjoyed just experiencing the grass, trying to chew on rocks, and watching the birds flying around her.
Now that we are in our new house, there are a surprising amount of new things to discover, alhamdulilah! I’ve lived in a 40 mile radius my whole life, and this move is no different. Still, I’m hearing birds that I’ve never heard before! This is also the oldest demographic neighborhood I’ve ever lived in (most of our neighbors built their houses 20-ish years ago), so there’s likely more people that have birdfeeders and bird houses to attract different types of birds. The previous owner also did a decent amount of landscaping, so we have quite a few different plants and flowers to explore and choose from in our own yard, alhamdulilah!
High school
Kira is wrapping things up, and excited to be taking things off her list! She recently started the Intro to Psychology course, and Macroecon by UC Scout, so she’ll be working on those through June also. Some things Kira dislikes (ahem, Literature) have been pushed back, so unfortunately, that won’t be wrapped up with everything else quite yet. She likely gets a bit of her habits from me, where we start out really strong, and then toward the end of the year, we start slacking. Not a good habit to pick up. I’m hoping we can work on it before it becomes an adult habit.
Testing did not go well. SubhanAllah, I’m hoping it turns to a learning experience and she uses this as a time to realize that convenience of studying does not trump quality of studying. It’s been a really expensive lesson, but I hope it turns out to be a valuable one. We shall see. We started this credit by exam journey with a lot of promise since she passed her first two exams without much issue. Now, it’s time to reevaluate the process and see what we can do better.
Wow awesome blog 🙂 very inspirational
Thanks! I’m glad you stopped by!