Have I sung the praises of my favorite early childhood education book yet? I’ve been quite preoccupied with Care Bear’s high school plans so the preschool activities have been spotty, but every time I pick up Slow and Steady, Get Me Ready, I feel ready to do a lesson right away. It actually uses items you typically already have at home.
Our most recent lesson? Learning “up” and “down” using paper cups, or any type of stacking cup that doesn’t easily break. Little Miss was not all that interested in the cups being stacked on top of each other to make a pyramid, but rather to stack them together, one inside the other. I did get a couple stacked up quick enough that I could point out that I put them up, and then could talk about how she was taking them down. Since she insisted on stacking the cups inside each other, I also point out when she would put one inside and when I took one out.
Another thing I love about Slow and Steady, Get Me Ready is that there are activities starting from the first week of life! Not that I think we need to have formal education this early, but it’s fun to have an activity just for each child, even the littlest one! Tulip’s activity was looking in a mirror and talking about what she sees. Really, it only takes a couple minutes, and it is something most parents do anyway, but it was cute to sit with her and talk about what she sees. This is also a good time to recite the du’a for looking at oneself in the mirror, just to get in the habit of reciting du’a with your kids.
Ahhh, early childhood education feels like a vacation in comparison to trying to wade myself through high school plans. What a welcome rest, alhamdulilah.
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