Your bundle of joy (or too cute toddler) is absolutely adorable in their cloth diapers, but how do you keep those cloth diapers cute? A very wise thing I read once on Diaper Swappers was something along the lines of, “Stop treating your diapers like precious gold, and instead treat them for what they are: […]
How Many Cloth Diapers Should You Buy?
So how many cloth diapers do you need to buy? Obviously, you need enough to not have to wash them twice a day, but you don’t want to overspend on diapers you’ll barely ever use. A good rule of thumb is you should have enough diapers to get you through at least two days, if […]
Where to Buy Cloth Diapers, Including Used Cloth Diapers
Now that you’re all excited about these ultra cute diapers we discussed last week, we have to know where to get them! If you forgot about how adorable cloth diapers are, here’s a reminder – Where to buy cloth diapers Start local. You probably have a natural baby store somewhere in your area, so I […]
The Different Types of Cloth Diapers
What do you think of when I tell you we use cloth diapers? Big pins with plastic covers? Smelly soaking buckets in the bathroom? If you haven’t experienced cloth diapers in the last decade, you may be missing out on what it has evolved into! Even if you don’t have kids in diapers, read on… […]