Do you wish you were a super homeschool mom? That you had it all together? Well, I’d like to help you with some perspective.
Homeschool Organization
Here’s the thing: you are as organized as you typically need to be. I remember a daytime talk show that featured a woman with an insanely messy house (before Hoarders was a thing), and the talk show host had a list of important items she needed to find in the case of a fire or emergency. Everyone expected her to fail miserably, but she knew exactly where everything was! Even through the piles upon piles of junk, she had some concocted system, even if no one else was able to understand it.
Yes, we all lose a bill once in a while, or lose that important receipt we need in order to return an item, but our day to day activities are normally in systems we are familiar with, even if they look chaotic to someone else. Do you know where you can find your socks and underwear for the day? Your keys? Wallet? Again, we may misplace one of these things from time to time, but on a regular basis, we have them because we need them.
Homeschool becomes part of your family system, and you find ways to make it work. There will be mistakes, and there will be times when you misplace something, but overall, you will have some type of system so you can find what you need, when you need it.
But what about all the awesome, organized homeschooling rooms I see online?
You know, I’m a tiny bit jealous of those rooms, too, but let’s be real. How long do all the crayons stay right-side up, perfectly sharpened in their holder? How long does a stack of paper in a bin stay lined up ever so perfectly? People take pictures of completed projects before they are lived in, or in their best state. And for those where their house always looks like that, well, some people are more particular about having a neat and orderly home. Some people really enjoy it (I’d like it if they could rub some of that off on me!), and they don’t mind spending hours a day keeping their home in prestine condition.
And let’s face it, those people, the super homeschool moms, if their kids were in school, they would likely be president of the PTA, volunteering at every other field trip, and working part time as the class helper. They enjoy it, and that’s great for them! Maybe their budget is a mess, or they have a hard time controlling their emotions when PMS time comes around. Everyone has their struggles and their strengths.
Take heart, fellow homeschool mom. I’m not a super homeschool mom either. I know where to find everything I need, but there’s no way I would take a picture of it in its current state.
What systems do you have for your homeschool that may not seem organized to others?
Photo credit: tome213
Take pride in your homeschooling ways, even if the dishes are piled up!

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I love your line about the crayons! So, so true. And taking pictures . . . yeah . . . no.
LOL! There’s a reason why I miss the homeschool room link ups. 🙂 Do you want to see my stack of books I rummage through to make our lesson plan? Probably not. Though, I have another tab open with shelving options, so there’s still hope!