We are all starting to feel a bit locked in our home around here lately! While we can’t enjoy the great outdoors lately (umm… -5F high predicted on Monday!), it’s pretty awesome to feel like you’re somewhere tropical for an hour or two! Enter, the underwater aquarium! This seemed like such a new concept just […]
Balance: A New Year’s Focus
What do we have in common? Most people do not have the same family situation as us with such a large split in ages between two kids. I think one thing many moms struggle with is balance. How do we keep up on the housework, keep the kids entertained and learning, and maintain our outside […]
Basic Learning Concepts – Fun Play!
I may have a boat load of kids, just so I can keep doing preschool activities! Slow and Steady, Get Me Ready has time and time again proven to be such a valuable resource in bringing education to simple tasks. Today the activity was supposed to mimic Jack in the Box where the small child […]
Is TV a Valuable Teaching Tool?
TV and Movies are one of the most effective babysitters in modern history. Need to get dinner made? Pop in a movie. Can’t seem to get all the laundry folded with a toddler under foot? Turn on a TV show. The question remains whether turning on a movie or TV program is beneficial to your […]
How Learning Logic Ruins You
What? How can someone who loves The Well Trained Mind be saying such a thing! Well, it’s true. When you open up the floodgates to learning logic, there’s no going back. I should say, I love logic. I seriously get excited when it is time to sit down together and do Care Bear’s logic lesson […]