Okay, I’m assuming here that you live near a mall with some cool attractions. We live quite close to the Mall of America, so I may be a little spoiled with the indoor amusement park, under water aquarium, and Lego Land. Still, most malls have some sort of attraction on cold winter days! Look for […]
Toddler Preschool in Progress
As I’ve mentioned, in the past few weeks I’ve been trying to make a conscience effort to have Little Miss more involved in activities during the day. She was asking to watch a “foofie” (movie) I swear every hour! We aim for limited TV time at home (trying to always keep it under 2 hours, […]
Starting My First BOB Books
This last week has been a breath of fresh air! Of course we enjoyed the extra days off Hubby had over the holiday weekend, and our Muslim homeschool group seems to have found a new home. InshaAllah we can stay at this location for quite some time and build some stability again with our group! […]
Prep, prep, and more prep
It may be the nesting taking over a bit, but I’ve been quite busy lately. This is quite a change from the “drag myself to do anything” energy level I’d been feeling for a couple months, alhamdulilah! I remember after having Little Miss, we ate out a LOT because I just didn’t feel like cooking. […]
Walking into Winter
I may be the only person that looks forward to winter. Winter feels so quiet and serene, with its short days, the snow the quiets the world, and the need to stay in and cuddle with loved ones to stay warm. Add in peppermint candy, a stew in the crockpot making an aroma in your […]