There have been a lot of posts on Facebook floating around with Ramadan routines, mashaAllah! It’s wonderful to see so many people getting ready for Ramadan with sincere intention, but am I the only one that’s afflicted with a huge feeling of inadequacy? When I first became Muslim, every moment of Ramadan was worship, and […]
How I’m Fasting While Nursing With Little Ones
First, let me say I am not advocating for every woman to fast while she’s nursing. Some are able to while others are not. This is not medical advice, but rather my personal experience. I did not think I would be able to fast this year, but alhamdulilah, I’ve been fasting each day and the […]
Ramadan Craft Plates – Ayat and Ahadith Included!
A few years ago I found this post from another blogger with the idea to make Ramadan Plates as an ongoing Ramadan craft. See her blog for examples, but in summary, you write an ayah or hadith and the child then decorates the plate using crayons, colored pencils, glitter, anything! You can hang up the […]
Teen Halaqa: Heart Wheel Journal
Yesterday was our last homeschooler’s park day with our Muslim homeschoolers group. The little kids got to run and play at the playground, and check out the waterfall at the park. For the older kids I brought The Heart Wheel Journal, created by Muhammad Alshareef, for a teen halaqa session. The entire journal adds up […]
Creating Ramadan Anticipation
We live in the West, and it takes work to create that special holiday feeling for Ramadan and the Eids. There aren’t any special commercials, new storefront displays, special aisles at the supermarket for decorations, nothing. So many converts to Islam say how they miss the “Christmas feeling.” The anticipation that comes before, how it […]