If you’ve read my blog for a little while, or been on my Facebook page, you may have picked up that Hubby is Care Bear’s step dad. Homeschooling with nay sayers is hard, and I would argue that when those nay sayers are your ex and/or their family, it adds a level of difficulty. Add […]
You Know You Live With A Toddler If…
Life with a toddler can be stressful, for sure. So often though, it is absolutely hilarious, or just so crazy you have to laugh your way through it. So, let’s share! You know you live with a toddler if… Hunting for used diapers becomes a regular activity Finding two matching toddler socks is a luxury, but […]
Qur’an Memorization Through Puberty
We’ve already talked about how to get through puberty alive in the past, but memorizing Qur’an with a girl in puberty presents slightly different challenges given she will have her period from time to time. Since she shouldn’t be handling the mushaf (moos-haf, the Qur’an in its original Arabic text) directly, what are we to […]
Third Trimester
Alhamdulilah, I’m heading into the home stretch with this pregnancy! As each day progresses, I think about how to balance our life that feels so scattered, and how to meet the needs of everyone in our family. In shaa Allah I’ll share our lessons as time goes on. One thing that keeps coming back to […]
Balance: A New Year’s Focus
What do we have in common? Most people do not have the same family situation as us with such a large split in ages between two kids. I think one thing many moms struggle with is balance. How do we keep up on the housework, keep the kids entertained and learning, and maintain our outside […]