Have you ever thought about how family socialization fits in to your overall socialization goals? Spending time together as a family isn’t just for making memories, but it also serves the purpose of building the foundation for healthy and strong adults that can function in their surrounding community. We’ve already determined the definition of socialization […]
Definition of Socialization
Socialization seems like the question that never goes away. It is a question homeschoolers have learned to face time after time, but truly, what is socialization? Is there an official socialization definition? According to Merriam-Webster, socialization is: “The process by which a human being beginning at infancy acquires the habits, beliefs, and accumulated knowledge of […]
Homeschooling Made My Child More Shy. I’m Okay With That.
Homeschooling made my child more shy, and you know what? I’m okay with that. School socialization a success? Sure, she doesn’t get the “socialization” that made her come out of her shell on a daily basis, but why is that the epitome of social success anyway? Why does my child have to be a social […]
What’s the Point of Socialization?
Socialization is a pretty hot topic for those in the homeschooling circles. Many of us are asked how we socialize our kids, how our kids will know how to interact with others, and other questions that really go to the root of how our children will be able to function well in society. What is […]
5 Reasons Sports Are Great for Socialization
Ah, the age old question of homeschooling and socialization. There are many ways to address this concern (or not, if you aren’t concerned). In our state we are required to provide some sort of physical education. I think this is a great area to get in some healthy social interaction as well! Are there other […]