Life with a toddler can be stressful, for sure. So often though, it is absolutely hilarious, or just so crazy you have to laugh your way through it. So, let’s share! You know you live with a toddler if…
Painting turns to finger painting, turns to full arm painting đ Hunting for used diapers becomes a regular activity
- Finding two matching toddler socks is a luxury, but not a regular occurrence
- Chore directions are sung, not stated
- You have learned the most effective way to fish poop out of the bath tub
- One person in your prayer line is wearing only a diaper and hijab
- You learn to check the potty chair regularly, even if you haven’t taken them to the potty yourself
- Also question whether a potty chair/step stool combo is a good idea. Trail of pee to the nearest light switch, anyone?
- All shoes are apparently a toddler size 6, and thus are strewn around the house
- You find stuffed animals in your pots and pans
- You do less chores yourself, but it takes twice as long
- Long showers are a luxury, not a right
- Shaving your legs is like a day at the spa
- You start mispronouncing normal words. i.e. Foofie = movie, poppy = potty, faffle = waffle
- You know Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See?
 by heart
- You know five ways to sing your way through counting to ten
Toddler life is such a ride, and I wish we had more videos of the little moments where we all crack up from something silly Little Miss has done!
What else?
[…] You know you live with a toddler if… […]