Have you ever noticed that homeschooling moms seem to volunteers in various activities also? It almost seems like there’s something inbred in us that drives us to sign up for more and more things, no matter how busy we are. We must be involved in every aspect of our family’s life. Ever since I got laid […]
You Know You Live With A Toddler If…
Life with a toddler can be stressful, for sure. So often though, it is absolutely hilarious, or just so crazy you have to laugh your way through it. So, let’s share! You know you live with a toddler if… Hunting for used diapers becomes a regular activity Finding two matching toddler socks is a luxury, but […]
Third Trimester
Alhamdulilah, I’m heading into the home stretch with this pregnancy! As each day progresses, I think about how to balance our life that feels so scattered, and how to meet the needs of everyone in our family. In shaa Allah I’ll share our lessons as time goes on. One thing that keeps coming back to […]
52 Weeks to an Organized Home
When I saw this project posted on The Well Trained Mind forums, I was signed up in five minutes flat. I remember my mom always saying that everything has to have a home, and she has one of the best organized and clean homes I’ve seen without being completely OCD about it. As I’ve accumulated […]
Routines are the Best
Call me crazy, but I’m a bit glad the holiday season in the US is finally over. Even though we don’t really celebrate the holidays, there are extra days off for Hubby, days off for our homeschool co-op, stores are closing, sales only include things with Santas and snowmen, and all the other reasons why […]