Ramadan is less than a week away, and I have to admit, I’m starting to feel like I’m scrambling a bit to get things ready for the kids to really get a positive experience out of this month, in sha Allah! With iftar around 9pm, Amatullah and possibly Aamina won’t even be awake, so I […]
Student Goal Setting Worksheet – For Teens!
Goal setting is important every year, but as your student gets older, are you handing over the reigns so they start making their own goals? I always advocate for students to make some of their own goals, even as young as Kindergarten, but as our teens are reaching the cusp of legal adulthood, they will […]
DSST World Religions Lesson Plan – Tested and Passed!
Alhamdulilah (praise be to God)! Care Bear passed the DSST World Religions exam and now has three upper level credits at the university we are aiming for, in sha Allah! I was probably just as nervous as she was, and she was really nervous when it came to test day! While most of her exams coordinate […]
Hajj Study Guide and Jeopardy Game!
It’s too easy to let Hajj and Eid al-Adha slip by after all the excitement and preparation done for Ramadan and Eid al-Fitr. In our Muslim homeschool group, we wanted to get the kids excited while learning about Hajj and its benefits. A game of jeopardy is always a fun way to make this happen! […]
AP Biology Biome Study Cards {Printable!}
Last week I talked about how we are tackling high school science at home. AP Biology is no joke, and we need all the tools and resources we can get! Unfortunately, there aren’t a lot of free resources available. I’ve been working on these study cards so Kira can know her biomes like nobody’s business, in […]