I may have a boat load of kids, just so I can keep doing preschool activities!
Slow and Steady, Get Me Ready has time and time again proven to be such a valuable resource in bringing education to simple tasks. Today the activity was supposed to mimic Jack in the Box where the small child goes inside a box and jumps out, but Little Miss was less than interested in jumping out. We use cardboard boxes to make doll beds sometimes, so she liked the idea of having her own cardboard box bed!

Little Miss would lay in the box and would say, “All done”, which actually meant, “Close the lid.” We got to teach her the words and concepts of closed and open. Care Bear and I also tried to talk about how Little Miss is inside the box and we are outside the box, but Little Miss mainly seemed pleased with bossing us around to open and close the flaps. I have a feeling the next time we get a big package in the mail, we’ll be playing this game again.

Another activity that was surprisingly engaging from the same book was simply taking magazine pages (we used an old American Girl catalog for the bigger pages, and fun pictures) and teaching Little Miss how to fold them in half. She got to learn some motor skills, and is casually introduced to the concept of half. Little Miss spent 40 minutes sitting on the floor folding pieces of paper! I couldn’t believe how engaged she was in such a simple activity!
You may notice how Little Miss rarely has pants on at home. I swear, we aren’t Muslim nudists in the house… there are just other battles to fight for. đ
In other news, we started reading about Adam (peace be upon him) in our board books and I’m feeling anxious to buy some more books about the prophets, though I need to get them into the budget before I go spending money on them! Our Islamic library for the preschool age is seriously lacking and we need to change that in the near future. Insha’Allah things loosen up a bit so we can make that happen.
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