The school year is halfway over and you’re wondering – can I do it? Could I homeschool?
You’re unsure, hesitant, reluctant. The reasons you can’t homeschool scroll through your head, reminding you of the daunting task ahead if you choose to take this on. Yet, you can’t deny the pull to bring your kids home and educate them yourself.
I’m here to tell you, it’s hard, but not in the ways you expect. It’s easier in the ways you are fearing, and harder in the ways you don’t know. That’s okay.
You can pick curriculum. Trust me, you can. I hear so many parents talking about how they have hand chosen the school their child is attending, or choosen the teacher they want for the coming year. What did they do that’s so different than choosing curriculum? They used the resources available to them in order to make an informed decision. You can do that.
You can be patient. Take that from me. I’ve not had a reputation for being patient, but yet, I find the strength in our hardest days, or we take a break. That’s the beauty of homeschool – we don’t have to follow someone else’s schedule. We can take a break if we aren’t making progress, and you know what? We’ll make it up later. Really, you can.
You know what’s harder? Keeping the house clean. Everyone is in the house all day. You’d think it would even out, but you have more stuff and more people in the house. It’s just messier. You learn to draw the line between messy and dirty. Messy isn’t necessarily unhealthy, but dirty is. That’s important. It’s okay to live with a little mess. Dirt’s gotta go.
You know what makes it all worth it? Watching your kids grow in front of you. Watching them blossom into adults in their own time, not the time their peers nudge them. Watching your kids get variables after the 10th time explaining it. That light bulb is worth it. Laughing with your kids. They get to see you be silly along with them. Having time to just be with one another. Being friends with your teen and still their mom. That’s worth it.
The hard times are worth it. There are reasons why sometimes we choose the harder route, and you know what? Homeschooling is getting easier every year. There are now resources for kids with special needs, mom groups to support each other, homeschool group buys for great deals, and so much more. Homeschooling has a vibrant and rich community. Socialization? You could get over-socialized quickly in homeschooling circles. You’ll be okay.
Don’t doubt yourself before you’ve started. Don’t stop before you’ve taken the first step. You don’t have to be perfect. Heck, you don’t expect perfection from the schools, do you? Remember your goals, and meet those. You don’t have to meet everyone else’s goals too.
If you feel driven to homeschool your kids, you will find the strength to do it. Find the resources and just take one step at a time. If you need support, find it. It isn’t far. If you have an Internet connection, you have support. You just have to look for it.
A mother always finds the strength to do what she needs to do. Whether it’s finding food and shelter, clean clothes to wear, or providing education. You’re a mother and you have it in you. You’ll be okay.
Disclaimer: I understand there are families where homeschooling doesn’t fit in their life for one reason or another. I do not aim for everyone to homeschool, but rather support those who are on the fence to give it a chance.
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Interesting and encouraging post! Home school has crossed my mind at times but I still don’t know if I could commit to it. I have a son with special needs though and if mainstream schooling does not end up suiting him I would have no choice, but we will see
I don’t have a child with special needs, but I do know there are a lot of resources out there to assist homeschooling families work with the special needs of their children. Of course do what works best for you and your family, but I encourage you to take a look at what resources are available, just so you know your options. 🙂
My girl has been homeschooled since kindergarten and we are debating right now about what to do about high school. Thanks for the encouragement.
High school is much less daunting than I thought it would be. The hardest part (for me) has been keeping up on grading papers. I never did it formally before, and I’m told I don’t have to, but I want to provide a transcript. All the things I was worried about (finding the right curriculum and resources, mainly) turned out to be a non-issue, for the most part. If you’ve done it this far, I’m sure you can do it through high school! Best wishes!
I love this!! Mom you can be patient! You can teach your kids!!