Last week’s post about parents who give their kids a hard time in jest got me thinking in general about how parents can be a positive influence in their kids’ lives. Our words about our kids’ actions isn’t the only way we can spew negativity into their lives. It is just as easy, probably easier, […]
Never Too Late To Learn
You’re never too late to learn life lessons, no matter how old you are (though admittedly, I’m not all that old!). I learned this over the last couple months as I’ve been prepping with the leadership team at our homeschooling co-op for the Open House we had yesterday. Before I go to what lessons I […]
Mama, Volunteer Extraordinaire
Have you ever noticed that homeschooling moms seem to volunteers in various activities also? It almost seems like there’s something inbred in us that drives us to sign up for more and more things, no matter how busy we are. We must be involved in every aspect of our family’s life. Ever since I got laid […]
Third Trimester
Alhamdulilah, I’m heading into the home stretch with this pregnancy! As each day progresses, I think about how to balance our life that feels so scattered, and how to meet the needs of everyone in our family. In shaa Allah I’ll share our lessons as time goes on. One thing that keeps coming back to […]
Balance: A New Year’s Focus
What do we have in common? Most people do not have the same family situation as us with such a large split in ages between two kids. I think one thing many moms struggle with is balance. How do we keep up on the housework, keep the kids entertained and learning, and maintain our outside […]